I always like someone who can speak their mind tactfully in an effort to make this world a little better place. When it comes to finances, Dave Ramsey will do just that. Dave is an outspoken financial guru, he doesn't sugar coat the facts, and if one of your 2019 goals is to add a tiny bit more thought and planning into the way you look at your spending and saving... well, Dave Ramsey is a sure fire way to get your little tush in gear.

If you are like me, January is a time where I feel a tiny push to be MORE in every aspect of my life... more organized, more routine, more healthy, more spiritual, more present, more determined, etc.. and after a spendy December month I usually have at least one financial goal that finds its way to my resolutions…

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2 C. Granulated Sugar

1 C. Light Corn Syrup

½ C. Water

1-2 TSP. Ground Cinnamon

1 (12 oz.) Can Evaporated Milk


Combine sugar, corn syrup, water, and cinnamon in a sauce pan.

Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Boil for exactly 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat.

Let it cool in saucepan for 5 minutes.

Add evaporated milk while constantly stirring.

Serve warm and enjoy!

(Store in jar or container in fridge for up to three weeks)

Photo Credit: Nakelle Prisbrey 

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I was inside my favorite smoothie shop the other day. We frequent it a lot and there is a familiar letter board inside that always makes me wonder if people actually envision a life creating healthy, "pun"-ny quotes, or if it's just a calling you stumble upon accidently. I will admit, they are always clever, but yet still leave you  wondering what the kale they even mean. Like you know they are just wrong, but they feel so ripe. Okay, okay, lettuce stop before this gets guacward.. (ughhh...you know... those).

Ironically, this week's quote didn't leave me with a leafy-earthy taste in my mouth, It read, "NEW YEAR, SAME YOU, because you are ALREADY pretty amazing!". I didn't have much time to let it sink in, as I poked the straw through my…

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