In a world that is quite literally, at your fingertips, we can understand why acronyms have become such a natural fit for social media and networking. These platforms were created based on short and snappy communication.  From IDK, to BBB, LOL and BRB, we are bombarded with acronyms. For some, they seem generally intuitive, for others, well... you know who you are.

As Realtors, we also have advanced professional certifications acronyms such as CRS (Certified Residential Specialist), ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative), and SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist).

Bob is all of these BTW... {see what I did there}

So, what's an ADU... sounds new, doesn't it? ADU stands for: Accessory Dwelling Unit. These are livable, self-contained residences that…

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Have you ever had one of those life-watching, time-stopping, relive your every breath moments? You know, the kind where this innate instinct kicks in and you suddenly become a superhero inside who can accomplish ANYTHING that needs to be done? One of those moments that immediately redirects your path, your intentions, and your focus for life. One of those moments where you just know who you are and what your purpose is...

That moment when you DISCOVER YOUR WHY.

It is amazing how that feeling comes and goes for most of us. For Bob Richards, that feeling has been the fire that fuels him to succeed in life.  I guess you could say his golden number for 2018 would be twenty-six. For twenty-six years he has watched the sunset on these beautiful red rocks…

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