We often wonder how and where Bob comes up with all of his magical ideas and eloquent tactics. I am certain that he is definitely one of those people who sleeps with a notepad next to his bedside. His most recent ticket to dream land, has profound benefits for his BR&A clientele. He truly is always thinking of ways to improve your Real Estate experience, he stands firmly behind his slogan, "Because, YOU Deserve Better", for it will always be his number one priority.

Introducing: Exit Stage Right

Exit Stage Right is an exclusive, professional HOME STAGING SERVICE offered to all sellers listed by Bob Richards. Buyers want to see a HOME, not just a house. Bob knows that home owners will profit significantly more at closing because of this service and…

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Some of the greatest joys we ever will experience in this life, will be the laughter and love we feel surrounded by our family and truest friends. Did you make it out to the 42nd Annual St. George Marathon a few weeks ago? Our Bob Richards & Associates Team had a blast cheering on every admirable athlete that braved the pavement that day. We were set up at mile marker #25. This was significant to us because we knew that it would be a heavy mile to reach. We knew that they would need one last strong push to the finish line. We knew that they would begin feeling that fire deep down in their souls {and probably in other places...} that kept those legs moving forward. Their goal reaching motivation would be fueling them to that big white line, and so would…

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Want to experience one of the Top 10 Most Scenic Marathons? 

Or walk along side uplifting neighbors and friends during the Mayor's Walk with Mayor Jon Pike and his family?

Or feel the crisp fall breeze on your face as you brave the pavement in the Wheelchair and Handcrank Division?

Maybe you're like me, and just want a snow cone and some pom-poms to wave as these inspirational participants race by...

Well, #CONSIDERTHIS: The 42nd Annual St. George Marathon.

The colorful and vibrant St. George Marathon descends nearly 2,600 feet from the beautiful purple and blue Pine Valley Mountains, over and around the volcanic black lava rocks of Diamond Valley, down through the white Snow Canyon boulders, and into the red rocks that we call Dixie.

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