It's true!! If your annual income doesn't exceed $56,000 per year, we have a GRANT of $5,000 toward your loan/closing costs OR your down payment. It's not a loan, its FREE MONEY!! You need to make an acceptable offer on a home this month in order to take advantage of this Grant because after December 31st, the money is no longer available. We have ready, able, and qualified lenders who will help you with your mortgage and a TEAM of Realtors at Bob Richards & Associates who will show you homes you qualify for and are able to BUY instead of rent.  

Call us at (435) 688-8824 and we will help YOU.

You deserve to OWN and not to be a Tenant. What a great way to start 2019!!  Consider Us Friends:


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12 Oz. Fresh, Uncooked Cranberries

¼ C. Green Onion

1-2 Fresh Jalapeño Peppers

2 TBSP. Cilantro

¾ c. Sugar

1 TBSP. Lemon Juice

1/8 TSP. Salt

16 oz. Cream Cheese (Whipped)


Hand chop cranberries (do not use a food processor, it will add too much liquid)

Chop green onion, jalapeño, & cilantro.

Add sugar, lemon juice, & salt to cranberry mixture, cover, & refrigerate overnight.

Stir, strain all liquid.

Whip cream cheese with mixer for 2 minutes until smooth.

Spread at the bottom of a 9x9 pan or pie tin.

Pour cranberry mixture atop cream cheese & chill until ready to serve. 

Consider Us Friends:


#bobrichards #buyutah #consideritdone…

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It's that special time of year again. You know, that time when you can't decipher which feelings are excitement, gratitude, chaos, too much pumpkin pie, or stress. That time when we somehow manage to squeeze in more festivities and to-do's than we would ever bargain to survive on a normal day in February. Yet, through it all, we know it is ALWAYS worth it in the end. It is a time where we try really, REALLY, hard to reflect on what is truly most important, but still feel a tiny bit of pressure to make sure our lives are put together and our homes are in order.

Here are a few helpful DIY tips to make your house feel more like a HOME, just in time for the holidays. Sometimes, the tiny details are all it takes to spruce up your style and add a little…

1204 Views, 1 Comments

We often wonder how and where Bob comes up with all of his magical ideas and eloquent tactics. I am certain that he is definitely one of those people who sleeps with a notepad next to his bedside. His most recent ticket to dream land, has profound benefits for his BR&A clientele. He truly is always thinking of ways to improve your Real Estate experience, he stands firmly behind his slogan, "Because, YOU Deserve Better", for it will always be his number one priority.

Introducing: Exit Stage Right

Exit Stage Right is an exclusive, professional HOME STAGING SERVICE offered to all sellers listed by Bob Richards. Buyers want to see a HOME, not just a house. Bob knows that home owners will profit significantly more at closing because of this service and…

1079 Views, 0 Comments

Some of the greatest joys we ever will experience in this life, will be the laughter and love we feel surrounded by our family and truest friends. Did you make it out to the 42nd Annual St. George Marathon a few weeks ago? Our Bob Richards & Associates Team had a blast cheering on every admirable athlete that braved the pavement that day. We were set up at mile marker #25. This was significant to us because we knew that it would be a heavy mile to reach. We knew that they would need one last strong push to the finish line. We knew that they would begin feeling that fire deep down in their souls {and probably in other places...} that kept those legs moving forward. Their goal reaching motivation would be fueling them to that big white line, and so would…

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Want to experience one of the Top 10 Most Scenic Marathons? 

Or walk along side uplifting neighbors and friends during the Mayor's Walk with Mayor Jon Pike and his family?

Or feel the crisp fall breeze on your face as you brave the pavement in the Wheelchair and Handcrank Division?

Maybe you're like me, and just want a snow cone and some pom-poms to wave as these inspirational participants race by...

Well, #CONSIDERTHIS: The 42nd Annual St. George Marathon.

The colorful and vibrant St. George Marathon descends nearly 2,600 feet from the beautiful purple and blue Pine Valley Mountains, over and around the volcanic black lava rocks of Diamond Valley, down through the white Snow Canyon boulders, and into the red rocks that we call Dixie.

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Darel Nakai: Buyer Specialist

Darel's favorite color is Green. His guilty pleasure is Bacon. He could binge watch Arrested Development all day if Bob would let him, and he is dad of the year because he knows all of the words and will belt proudly, Hakunah Matata like it is nobody's business.

"I was born and raised in Sandy, Utah and enjoy spending Sundays with my wife and three children. I also enjoy golfing, playing basketball and hosting BBQs with friends and family. I have been a former manager for many major companies including Ralph Lauren, Intermountain Health Care, and the Larry H. Miller Group. With this experience, I understand the meaning of world-class experience, sincere customer care, and the importance of building and maintaining a…

2175 Views, 0 Comments

Blog Header Lyrics, TOM SAWYER owned by RUSH

Q: Years Experience

A: Twenty-Six

Q: Favorite Color

A: Red

Q: Birthday

A: July 6,1966 (nice try pal, you'll have to use all of your fingers and toes to figure that one out...)

Q: Favorite Treat

A: That is definitely a toss-up between semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies (with no nuts!), or brownie marshmallow cookies from Cutler's in Bountiful.  

Q: Coke or Pepsi

A: What kind of man do you think I am?... Pepsi all the way!

Q: Family Life

A: I have been married for 26 years to my rock-n-roll partner in crime, Becky. We have 2 kids, a daughter Tere and a son Christopher. We have two handsome little grandkids, Kellin and Duncan.

Q: Toothbrush Color

A: Blue

Q: Favorite Book

2533 Views, 1 Comments

Those of you who have ever had the privilege to meet Bob Richards, may have caught a tiny glimpse of his contagious attitude and driven personality. When a man like Bob sees an avenue to grow in success and knowledge, you can bet that he is the first one to board that train. Though he remains humble, his colleagues and peers would undoubtedly share of his abilities and true talent when it comes to the ins and outs of buying and selling real estate.  

It was only a matter of time before he would WOW us with another great notch on his tool belt. Somewhere in his spare time, Bob wanted to find a more personal, and helpful way to share the knowledge he has gained in his many, many, many, years of experience. A way to reach his clients on a more in-depth…

1446 Views, 0 Comments

In a world that is quite literally, at your fingertips, we can understand why acronyms have become such a natural fit for social media and networking. These platforms were created based on short and snappy communication.  From IDK, to BBB, LOL and BRB, we are bombarded with acronyms. For some, they seem generally intuitive, for others, well... you know who you are.

As Realtors, we also have advanced professional certifications acronyms such as CRS (Certified Residential Specialist), ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative), and SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist).

Bob is all of these BTW... {see what I did there}

So, what's an ADU... sounds new, doesn't it? ADU stands for: Accessory Dwelling Unit. These are livable, self-contained residences that…

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